ZStack Cloud 4.4.0>Product Manuals>User Guide>Settings

Sub-Account Setting

What is Sub-Account?

A sub-account is created and managed by the admin. Resources created under a sub-account is managed by the sub-account. You can use a sub-account to create, share, delete, and revoke resources under its management and implement fine-grained control over the permissions on resources.


  • admin: The admin has super privileges over resources and shall be owned by the IT system administrator.
    • The admin can share instance offerings, disk offerings, networks, images, and other cloud resources with sub-accounts or unshare the resources from sub-accounts. Sub-accounts can only manage resources to which they are granted access.
    • The admin can modify resource quotas granted to a sub-account based on different business scenarios.
    • After the admin created a VXLAN pool, sub-accounts can create VXLAN networks based on the VXLAN pool.
    • Changing the owner of a VM instance will change the owner properties of the EIPs associated with the VM instance.
  • Sub-Account: A sub-account is created by the admin.
    • A sub-account has management permissions on VM instances, images, volumes, and security groups created under the sub-account. A sub-account can perform read operations on resources shared by the admin, but cannot delete the resources.
    • Deleting a sub-account will delete all resources created by the sub-account, such as VM instances, volumes, and images.
    • The names of sub-accounts must be unique.
    • Resource quotas that the admin shares with a sub-account is displayed on the homepage of the sub-account.
    • Before a sub-account can create a VM instance, the admin must share an instance offering, disk offering, network, and other required resources with the sub-account. Otherwise, a VM instance cannot be created.
    • A sub-account can use an image that it adds to the Cloud or use an image shared by the admin.
  • Sub-Account Quota:

    Resource quotas that the admin shares with a sub-account specify the maximum resources that the sub-account can manage, including computing resource quotas, storage resource quotas, network resource quotas, and other resource quotas.

    The admin uses the preceding resource quota settings to manage the maximum resources granted to sub-accounts. If a resource is deleted but not expunged, the resource still occupies storage space of primary storage and volumes.

Create a Sub-Account

On the main menu of ZStack Cloud, choose Settings > Sub-Account Setting > Sub-Account Management. On the Sub-Account page, click Create Sub-Account. Then, the Create Sub-Account page is displayed.

On the displayed page, set the following parameters:
  • Name: Enter a name for the sub-account.
  • Description: Optional. Enter a description for the sub-account.
  • Password: Enter a password for the sub-account.
  • Confirm Password: Confirm the sub-account password.
  • Pricing List: Optional. Select a pricing list. If left blank, the default pricing list is used.
Figure 1. Create Sub-Account


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